On distance of 5-6 km to the north from Ras Abu Soma the small cape known under name Ras Umm Hesiwa is located. Severo-to the west from this cape to Sharm El Nagar there is the small reef named Shaab Saiman. The narrow sandy canyon separates a reef from the big crest from firm corals, slowly plunging into abyss of the sea from a deep mark of 8 m. the highest part reefs a crest is on depth of 2 m, falling on the edges to 30 and more metres. In a direction to the sea the small plateau depth of 15-20 m. settles down
Because of vulnerability of a reef from weather conditions of immersing here it is possible to make very seldom, that will allow the most successful to embody this reef in all its protogenic beauty. Currents prevailing here pass from the northwest on the southeast and can sometimes be strong enough.
Shaab Saiman has almost all kinds of fishes of Red sea and in a considerable quantity. Flights of groups of Sweetlips and Grunts can be seen at the western termination of a reef. On a plateau barracudas, fishes-rhinoceroses live. In smaller part of an East side of a coral crest dark-brown groups of Sweetlips and Grunts and the big flights of sea crucians frolic. In a canyon it is possible to come across sleeping reefs whitetips sharks, morayses and crocodilefishes. Also here it is possible to meet various kinds of a mackerel and eagle rays.
On sea charts this reef is designated as Hyndeman Reef though local residents know it only under name Shaab Sheer, already used by fishermen when it was possible to dream of cards only. For this reason the name of reeves on cards sometimes mismatches names which are used by Egyptians. The reef has the form of the horseshoe stretched on distance more 1 km. Here it is possible to be fixed and make perfectly various kinds of immersings, some of which can be reached by means of an inflatable boat. On a card it is possible to see only east part Shaab Sheer where three coral blocks separated from the basic reef by the small channel are located. To the east from this place there is a fine coral garden, and blocks have delightful caves and grottoes.
Northern part of a reef is not protected almost from excitements exhausting, that is a counterbalance of its southern part as which it is possible to consider on the security almost as a lagoon. Currents also prevail in northern part of a reef, sharing in two and passing lengthways its east and western walls. The western part of a reef is located in a direction to deep channel South Safaga that promotes strengthening of a current at its western wall. Even at smaller channel between three blocks and east part of the basic reef it is possible to feel force of currents sometimes.
At this reef you can make three kinds of various immersings: to pass in a direction of a current along northern plateau of a reef and its steep wall, to plunge at the western part of a reef from a place of fastening of a boat or to visit its east part, enjoying beauty of a coral garden. Plunging at east part of a reef, it is necessary for you to pass through the channel on depth of 12 m and to proceed on a coral garden in a direction to northern termination of a reef where you can visit the plateau of the reef which has been rendered habitable by fishes-butterflies, carolinenses and various kinds a mackerel. After that you will float in the opposite direction where in the end of immersing you visit coral blocks with their grottoes and small caves. Average of them is the most interesting!
This reef is known for beauty of the coral garden though the world of fishes too deserves certain attention of divers. Here it is possible to see all kinds of carolinenses, to observe flights of fishes-parrots and fishes-cleaners. At northern plateau and its steep wall sea crucians, a mackerel, various kinds of groups of Sweetlips and Grunts, squids and flights of barracudas live.
Tobia Arba
The place known as Tobia Arba, is located near to cape Ras Abu Soma. Arba means "four", but actually here 7 coral columns which top part is shipped in water on depth to 1 metre. They are unusually high and stand on a sandy sea-bottom, towering on 12-15 m. Two steams of columns have the general basis and narrow channels depth of 4 and 8 metres. To the southeast from columns there is a gentle slope leaving on depth to 25 metres. Considering affinity Ras Abu Soma causing security of a site, here practically there are no waves and strong currents.
Planning of immersing does not represent a problem as all columns are in visibility limits and it is impossible to lose the way here. The Most comprehensible plan of immersing - movement between columns "eight". Tobia Arba - one of the most picturesque places in vicinities Safaga also represents the big interest for the photographer. A beautiful landscape and an abundance of soft corals and gorgonarias - object for interesting landscape shooting. The fauna is rich with the various fishes typical for reeves of Red sea, however in crevices and under ledges of columns many unsafe scorpena porcuses.
On distance of 30 minutes of driving on a boat from Safaga the extended reef in which southern part there is a sandy island under name Tobia Island has settled down. At northern termination of a reef one more extended stony islet has taken places, to the east from which immersings are made. Here there is the huge coral garden smoothly falling on depth to 30 m.
Cape Ras Abu Soma completely protects this place from waves and currents, leaving chance only to winds which can be here strong enough.
You plunge at a coral garden, passing by its coral crests divided by sandy areas. You do not need to fall on the big depth as the most interesting is on a deep mark to 15 m.
This place is more known because of the underwater landscape that was not reflected at all in a variety of the world of fishes. Here it is possible to see flights of sea crucians and the fishes-SYNARCEIA VERRUCOSAS living at the coral terminations, and at the bases of coral crests it is possible to meet various kinds of molluscs. On depth of 30 m it is possible to find out a leopard shark.
On distance of 30 minutes of driving by the ship to the east from Safaga three chains of coral blocks incorporating among themselves in the form of the letter "Y" settle down. They have taken places on a sandy plateau depth of 12-15 m, opening the doors for divers with any experience of immersings. In the north erg almost closely join reef Tobia Kebir.
Despite vulnerability of this place from waves here there are no almost problems to boat fastening. Currents come here from the east and can be strong enough.
Two southern chains of blocks are the most interesting to divers. East chain possesses a narrow canyon on depth of 11 m and the tunnel on depth of 9 m, to pass through which it is not necessary is better not to damage fine white soft corals growing on their walls. The western chain has three overgrown corals channels through which it is possible to pass on depth of 4-6 m. At northern termination are 4 imposing ergs having the form of a mushroom.
Here it is possible to see sine-spotty slopes-hvostokolov, carolinenses, paracanthurus hepatuses and sea crucians. Between the tunnel and a canyon frequently it is possible to meet the big flight of fishes-butterflies.
Tobya Kebir
On distance of 10 mines of driving on a boat jugo-to the east from Tobia Island and 30 mines from Safaga settle down the big rectangular reef including a chain from three erg, stretched jugo-to the east from it. The western part of a reef represents the form of a lagoon depth of 6-7 m, and its east part goes down ledges in abyss of the sea to a mark of 15 m and looks floridly enough because of the weak currents prevailing in this place. It is simply ideal reef for immersing of divers of all levels and night immersings. On an inside of a reef many sandy sites where beginners can get the first experience of immersings.
The place of fastening of a boat is well enough protected from sea excitements, and northern currents here are very weak to prevent excellent immersing.
You will float through the channel between coral blocks and the basic reef and will pass in northern direction along its east wall. On a return way you visit blocks, remaining with their east part which looks much more beautiful western and contains a considerable quantity of kinds of sea inhabitants. On a reef outer side there is a small grotto where red pterois miles like to have a rest. Here often enough there are morayses and stone perches - groupers. Here it is possible to see various kinds of carolinenses and the fishes-cleaners amazing with an abundance of the paints. In summertime here frequently swim away flights of dolphins.
Umm Hal Hal
Word Hal-Hal the Egyptian fishermen designate the restless sea that corresponds to its constant condition in this place. Two big coral blocks rise from a sandy plateau, almost getting to a sea surface, but not providing any protection against a bad weather. They are located on distance of 400 m jugo-to the east Middle Reef. To the west from blocks depth of a plateau makes 16 m, and its east part falls down in the sea in the form of a wide slope to a deep mark of 22-24 m. of 80 m further on the east a plateau slope passes in the abrupt breakage which vertical wall sharply leaves in abyss of the sea from depth in 30 m. Hal-Hal also is known under name Shaab Kweiss that means "a beautiful reef". Though this name can be heard in relation to any reef of Red sea if the captain has simply forgotten its present.
To make immersing at Hal-Hal, excellent weather conditions are necessary. Even if this requirement will be executed, very strong undercurrents prevailing in this place can prevent immersing.
If to you nevertheless has had the luck to make here immersing you can take pleasure in beauty of one of the most motley and rendered habitable reeves which you ever saw. Such impression is created, that fishes of this reef never fall asleep, being in a constant condition of hunting or, on the contrary, shelter search. The immersing place so is not enough, that will allow you to round it some times, slowly rising more close to a surface exhausting. You should not make the immersing plan as currents of this reef will direct it to the channel irrespective of your desire. If you have enough air in cylinders and you possess excellent abilities to orientation you can float to a steep rock of a plateau where it is possible to see the big fishes.
On the reef it is possible to see a large quantity of soft corals, fiery corals and a little separately standing corals the deer's horn. The world of fishes various kinds reefs will make the small fishes living here by huge flights, groupers, turtles, fishes-rhinoceroses and reefs whitetips sharks. More close to a surface exhausting it is possible to observe hunting groupers and precious psevdoantiases of glass small fishes. Directly at a reef flights of fishes-butterflies live, and at plateau breakage it is possible to see groups of Sweetlips and Grunts, fishes-rhinoceroses, flight of small squids and their separate already adult representatives. Seasonally here it is possible to meet huge flight a mackerel.
For maps of dive-sites thanks:
http://www.divingsoft.com/redseamap and
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